Rootcraft Online Herbal Training
9-month Seasonal Herbalism Intensive with Jovie Hawthorn Browne
By the end of this 9 month training, you'll be able to confidently:
Plant, grow, and harvest your own medicinal plants (North American and Eurasian species focused)
Create your own topical and ingestible herbal medicines
Choose which plant to work with out of several that could have the same action
Reference over 60 different medicinal plant profiles
Choose the best extraction method for a plant
Know which plants to work with throughout the year to help prevent common ailments
Decide when you can work with medicinal plants versus when to go to the doctor
Welcome to Rootcraft!
March Intro: Spring Equinox
Cultivation: Farming Fundamentals
Cultivation: Ethical harvesting
FREE PREVIEWHerbal Actions: Introduction
Herbal Actions: Constituents
Cultivation: Plant families
Video: How Mint Spreads
Video: How to Harvest the Mint Family
Medicine Making: Solubility
Video: Solubility Experiment
Cultivation: Seed Starting Tips & Tricks
Cultivation: DIY Potting Soil Mix
Herbal Safety
Herbal Actions: Alteratives
Meet Chickweed: She has Bones
Profile: Chickweed
Profile: Stinging Nettles
Medicine Making: Nettle Infusions
Video: Leave it to Cleavers
Profile: Cleavers
Profile: Violet
Cultivation: Up-potting Seedlings
Profile: Burdock
April Intro: Waxing Phase
Cultivation: Hardening off Seedlings
Cultivation: Harvesting Tips
Medicine Making: Drying & Storing
Video: Drying & Storage Tips
Cultivation: Plant Reproduction
Video: Plant Propagation
Medicine Making: Poultices & Compresses
Medicine Making: Water Extraction Tools
Medicine Making: Water Extractions- Teas, Infusions, Decoctions, Syrups
Medicine Making: Burdock Root Decoction
Profile: Dandelion
Herbal Actions: Demulcents
Video: Meet Plaintain
Profile: Plantain
Profile: Marshmallow
Video: Meet Comfrey
Profile: Comfrey
Profile: Corn Silk
Profile: Mullein
Video: Mullein Through the Seasons
May Intro: Bealtaine
Spring Recipes
Profile: Hawthorn
Profile: Artichoke
Video: Meet Artichoke
Medicine Making: Alcohol Extracts
Medicine Making: Fresh Folk Method Tincture
Medicine Making: Dry Ratio Method Tincture
Medicine Making: Tincture Straining
Medicine Making: Dosage
Herbal Actions: Emmenagogues
Profile: Raspberry Leaf
Profile: Vitex
Profile: Red Clover
Video: Meet Red Clover
Profile: Motherwort
Video: Meet Motherwort
Profile: Feverfew
Profile: Black Cohosh
Profile: Mugwort
June Intro: Summer Solstice
Herbal Actions: Energetics
Medicine Making: Glycerine Extractions
Medicine Making: How to Make a Glycerite
Herbal Actions: Nervines
Profile: Skullcap
Profile: Passionflower
Video: Meet Lemon Balm
Profile: Lemon Balm
Profile: Valerian
Profile: Hops
Profile: Klamath Weed aka St. John's Wort
Profile: Tulsi aka Holy Basil
Profile: Crampbark
Video: Meet Milky Oats
Profile: Milky Oats
Profile: Chamomile
Profile: Lavender
July Intro: Full Lunar Phase
Cultivation: Lunar Gardening
Video: How to Make a Rosemary Hydrosol
Medicine Making: Hydrosols
Medicine Making: Oil Extractions
Medicine Making: Balms & Salves
Video: One Way to Make Herbal Syrups
Scope of Practice
Profile: Cayenne
Profile: Sage
Herbal Actions: Diaphoretics
Profile: Elder
Profile: Hyssop
Profile: Mint
Profile: Horseradish
August intro: Lughnasadh First Harvest
Medicine Making: Summer Recipes
Medicine Making: Flower Essences
Herbal Actions: Astringents & Antimicrobials
Profile: Witch Hazel
Profile: Rose
Profile: Uva Ursi
Profile: Arnica
Profile: Pine
Profile: Calendula
Profile: Thyme
Profile: Goldenrod
Profile: Yarrow
Profile: Red Root
Cultivation: Composting
See what students are saying:
“I love the fact that there is downloadable content that I can go back to, and that there is no deadline. The info is also very non-biased when it comes to modern medicine ”
Jamie B.“I really enjoy how each plant profile gives you a bit of everything of the plant as in the who, what and where. I also enjoy reading the folklore and the case studies. The Hawthorne lesson was super cool with all the folk history which each part of the plant.”
Alicia Q.“The amount of information provided is great, not too much, not too little. Despite there being a pre-defined order, it is so easy to go back to the previous lessons ”
Tessa F.“Jovie is an amazingly inclusive human. I appreciate her word choices when referring to who these plants were cultivated by. She always takes special care to acknowledge those who have come before us. I am a white female and love that she is firmly giving credit to indigenous, non-white humans. I suppose closed-minded people could be uncomfortable, but that just means you are educating well! ”
Julie F.“The fact that I can come back to the course and totally take my time is incredibly helpful. Sometimes I have to go back and glance at things so I actually retain everything. I truly appreciate how the course was set up. ”
Alicia Q.($333 Value) By the end of the course you'll be able to confidently:
Grow & harvest medicinal plants in pots, small gardens, and large spaces
Plant and harvest with the phases of the moon
Harvest different plant parts without damaging the plant
Start seeds, propagate cuttings, and transplant seedlings
Compost, mulch, and amend soil to maintain its health
What time of year a given plant is best worked with
($444 value) You'll make your own:
Water-based extractions: Teas, infusions, decoctions, compresses, hydrosols, flower essences
Alcohol-based extractions: Tincture, succus, double extraction, & preserved decoctions
Oil-based extractions: Infused oils and salves
Other extractions: glycerites, syrups, cordials, and herbal vinegars
Proper dosage of herbal medicines
($444 Value) Not just recipes, but the fundamentals so that you can decide when, why, and how to work with a given plant.
In depth profiles of over 60 medicinal plants
The best extraction methods for a given plant, including which part of the plant and which solvent will extract the desired constituents
Active constituents and plant chemical solubilities
Organ affinities, primary actions, and secondary actions of plants
Herbal energetics
Jovie Hawthorn Browne
You’re new to herbalism but want a deep dive introduction
You consider your herbal knowledge intermediate but want another perspective
You like to learn the science, but aren’t trying to get your PhD in phytochemistry in order to read it
You appreciate a balance between herbalism and conventional medicine
You like some woo-woo, but take it with a grain of salt
You learn best from someone who is calm, serious, and introverted
You’re easily overstimulated by sounds and visuals
You’re looking for in-depth wildcrafting or foraging training, because we’re going to focus on growing them ourselves.
You’re only looking for recipes, because we’re going to be learning the fundamentals first
You’re looking for advanced or clinical herbalist training, because, again, fundamentals.
You learn best from someone who is loud, bubbly, and extroverted, because if I wanted to fake it I would go back to working in the service industry!
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Your beginner-friendly 5-day crash course in balanced herbalism. Perfect for those curious about beginning their herbal journey.
(4) 5.0 average rating*FULL UNTIL 2023* 9-month online herbal intensive PLUS 3 seasonal shipments of tools, dried herbs, seeds, and medicine-making supplies to make what we learn about over the course
Learn how, why, and when to make your own herbal preparations in this self-paced program that balances science & tradition.
(1) 5.0 average ratingBuy one course get a second one 75% off!
Due to shipping constraints due to customs and package weights, unfortunately, I cannot send Medicine Maker Apprenticeship Boxes outside of the continental US
Yes! Students in all levels will be able to reach me via email. Office hours for responses are TBD.
The course is designed to be easily incorporated into life for those who have work, school, or family that takes up most of their time. Lessons are not live, so you do not need to coordinate any scheduling. You can expect to dedicate one to two hours per week to reading and videos, depending on how much time you need to process and absorb material. There's no homework or tests, and if you fall behind, that's okay! Catch up when you can, I'll continue sending you new lessons each week and you can get to them when you get to them.
Yes, to a certain extent. Due to the seasonal nature of how the material is presented, lessons are released on a week-by-week basis. If you fall behind, that's okay. Catch up when you can and let me know how I can support you. If you're wanting to move faster, though, You won't be able to skip ahead.
A good portion of the perennials we will discuss will be hardy in USDA zones 3-10. Some are only hardy in zones 6-10, and a couple hardy to zones 9-11 that can be grown as annuals. If you're not sure what a growing zone is or what any of this means, that's okay! We'll be covering it in the course.
The way we will be profiling the plants will be laid out mostly as they appear throughout the seasons in the northern hemisphere. ie: we'll be meeting the plants that pop up in the northern hemisphere's Summer during the northern hemisphere's Summer. So while those in the southen hemisphere will likely miss out on the aspect of walking outside and harvesting the plant they just learned about (if it's something that grows well in their growing zone), there's nothing wrong with learning about plants out of season! So long as you want to learn about plants that are mostly native to the US and Eurasia. On top of that, a large portion of the information you'll learn will be foundational (meaning how and why plants work, how to extract and make medicine with them, etc) so the seasonal aspect of the plant profiles can be worked around.
There is still so so so much to learn about herbalism other than how to grow them! We cover herbal actions, research and traditions behind the plants, medicine making, seasonal energy shifts, and more. You can always source your herbs through my webstore Spirit Haus Botanicals or through my recommended suppliers!
Absolutely. I will be providing as many raw materials as I can from my own micro-herb farm in Oregon's Willamette Valley where nothing is ever sprayed or treated with synthetic fertilizers. Anything beyond that, I only work with a handful of suppliers that are transparent about their sources, ethics, and growing practices.