This free workshop is only open for the next 5 days

Are you asking: "How do I learn about herbalism in a way that is:"

  • Not Too "Woo"

    How to make sure our herbal studies respect traditional spiritual uses but don't shoot us down the purity pipeline of “toxin-free” diet culture fear-mongering, to ableist medication-shaming & antivax rhetoric (which often leads to more extreme -isms & -phobias)

  • Not Too "Modern"

    How to make sure these herbs do what they claim while avoiding looking at herbs through an allopathic (aka "modern medicine") lens wherein isolated chemicals are looked at to treat a *disease*, rather than a whole plant to treat a *person*.

  • Finding the Balance

    between herbs supporting our *entire being* (mind, body, & spirit) without shame, judgement, guilt, or fear-mongering for relying on the other accessible resources that might help us survive this capitalistic hellscape.

About me,

Jovie Hawthorn Browne

Unlike many herbal teachers you can find, I didn’t grow up on the land. I’d love to say I did, but I grew up poor in the Mojave desert in military housing. I didn’t have elders to teach me the traditions of my ancestors. I had books and professors to teach me how cellular biology and phytochemistry worked as I earned my bachelor's degree in Biology and post grad diploma in herbalism. I didn’t get to know plants through foraging and wildcrafting them. I got to know them through cultivating and tending to them in several gardens for over a decade. I will always continue learning. My path has not been traditional. And that’s okay. Your path doesn't have to look like my path at all (or anyone elses for that matter). I’d just like to share what I’ve learned so far with all of you, in a way that I’m hoping will feel safe, non-judgmental, and balanced.

Herbalism lies where nature, tradition, & science meet