Let's stop spending money on over-the-counter skincare products that never do what they promise

Whether beginner or intermediate, this self-paced, pre-recorded course teaches you how to make your own potent, natural, & safe remedies *that actually work*

Learn what I wish I had when I first started out...

I'm sharing all of the viable information from my 6-year formal education, PLUS everything I've had to UNLEARN & RELEARN in the decade since. Such as:

  • How to avoid pseudoscience

    & white-washing of cultures by balancing scientific evidence with time-tested traditions (& giving credit)

  • Safety & Contraindications

    Who should *not* work with a given herb based on current medications and existing medical conditions

  • Nurturing local ecosystems

    By working with native and invasive species differently

  • Sourcing Herbs

    How to grow them yourself or purchase them from a trusted supplier. Because not everyone is into foraging!

  • Seasonality

    How to harness seasonal ebbs and flows in energy to stay ahead of common struggles & ailments.

  • The best way to work with each plant part

    Whether fresh or dry, tincture or topical, root or flower. It all depends on the plant's makeup!

How do we balance the scientific side and the "woo" side of herbs?

So we want to incorporate herbs into our lives in a safe and effective way. But there are so many black-and-white, all-or-nothing, extremist views out there in the world of wellness!

On one hand: we don't want to go too far down the "woo" path and start eating up fear-mongering pseudoscience with a spoon...

On the other hand: we don't want to treat plants like they're pharmaceuticals by stripping them of the traditions they come from. 

After realizing that I had been taught both ways, I spent nearly a decade deconstructing and reframing my 6-year formal education. 

From this, I've finally found a way to teach my approach so that others can take advantage of my experience rather than having to learn and unlearn the same dangerous missteps themselves...


See what students are saying:

“Absolutely what I was looking for... I have spent years looking for a herbal teacher that walked that line between science and old knowledge. Who didn't dismiss life saving medicine bc of evil big pharma while understanding the importance of medicinal plants. Finally found it :) This course was absolutely worth the money and I learned so much and I really appreciate the teachings around herbalism with regards to health, capitalism, responsible foraging, acknowledging where a lot of the knowledge came from, etc. This is the beginning of a path I wanted to walk for years and will spend the rest of my life learning. Thanks Jovie :)”

-Savannah R. on Module 4: Herbal Actions- How Herbs Work!

“I really enjoy how each plant profile gives you a bit of everything of the plant as in the who, what and where. I also enjoy reading the folklore and the case studies. The Hawthorne lesson was super cool with all the folk history which each part of the plant.”

Alicia Q.

“Incredibly informative... This course has blown me away with the amount of information provided, how it is made easily accessible without a degree needed to understand it, the explanations of how/why things work, and even medication interactions! The safety that is stressed has made me very comfortable with the information provided. I love that sources are listed so I can always cross reference, just in case. Excellent course that I've already recommended to others!"”

-Judith S. on Module 3: Grow Your Own Medicine- Green Witch Gardening Course

“Jovie is an amazingly inclusive human. I appreciate her word choices when referring to who these plants were cultivated by. She always takes special care to acknowledge those who have come before us. I am a white female and love that she is firmly giving credit to indigenous, non-white humans. I suppose closed-minded people could be uncomfortable, but that just means you are educating well! ”

Julie F.

“The fact that I can come back to the course and totally take my time is incredibly helpful. Sometimes I have to go back and glance at things so I actually retain everything. I truly appreciate how the course was set up. ”

Alicia Q.

Meet the Instructor - Jovie Hawthorn Browne

I created Rootcraft for those who feel they don't "fit in" with the herbal crowd.

Unlike many herbal teachers you can find, I didn’t grow up living off the land...

I’d love to say I did, but I grew up in the impoverished Mojave desert in military housing.

Thanks to colonization, I've never had access to elders who could teach me the healing traditions of my ancestors...

But I did have books and professors to teach me how cellular biology and phytochemistry worked as I earned my bachelor's degree in Biology and post-grad diploma in herbalism.

I don't preach the doctrine that "natural is the only way" or "everything is toxic and after you".

I used to. And I was... the worst. Through recovering from eating and anxiety disorders and examining privilege and internalized classism, I now encourage & teach leaning on whichever tools you have access to in order to get through this capitalistic, patriarchal hellscape we live in

I didn’t get to know plants through foraging and wildcrafting them.

I got to know them through cultivating and tending to them in several gardens for over a decade. 

I may not fit in with the herbal crowd. But the plants don't mind.

They allow me to continue learning and experimenting. My path has not been traditional. And that’s okay. Your path doesn't have to look like anyone else's path either. 

I’m just here to share what I’ve learned so far with all of you, in a way that I’m hoping will feel safe, non-judgmental, and balanced.

Course curriculum

  1. Introduction

  2. Module 1-Part 1: Nourishing Skin from the Inside Out

  3. Module 1- Part 2: Plant Profiles

  4. Module 1- Part 3: Medicine Making

  5. Module 2- Part 1: Healing Skin Topically

  6. Module 2- Part 2: Plant Profiles

About this course

  • $333.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Valued at $333 - I'm offering this course at 33% off

Because I've known, from a young age, the pain and frustration that comes along with chronic skin issues, and I want y'all to feel empowered to take your skincare into your own hands - ending the cycle of disappointment in over-the-counter garbage

  • 40 In-Depth Lessons


    4.5 hours of captioned video content, tutorials, downloadable PDFs, and 17 plant profiles.

  • Medicine Making & Herbal Actions classes


    Learn 4 categories of herbs that have profound effects on the skin, plus the best ways to work with 17 plants in these categories

  • Folklore & Growing tips


    Get to know the plants as more than pages in a book or words on a screen.

50% off- Enrollment closes July 1st!

Normally $333 + it's FREE if you decide to register for next year's Rootcraft 10-month Herbal Intensive after completing this course


  • Is this a certification course?

    You DO get a certificate when you complete the course, but keep in mind: since there is no state or national governing body over herbalism in the US, *any* certificate from *any* course you take simply states that you completed the course. No certification course can qualify you for any sort of licensing (since herbal licensing in the US doesn't exist).

  • How long do I have access to the course content? Do I have to start right away?

    You definitely don't have to start right away! You'll have access to this course for a full year, so just because there's a short enrollment window that doesn't mean you have to be ready to take the course during that time! Everyone is busy. Begin the lessons when it works with your schedule.

  • Will we have a way to ask questions or interact with other students?

    Yes! Questions that may help the entire class can be asked in the discussion section of each lesson. You can interact with fellow students in the private Rootcraft Student Community. This is a great place to bounce ideas, get inspiration, find herbalists in your area, or plan materials sharing! For more individual matters, students are able to reach the instructor directly via email at [email protected]. Response time is typically within 24 hours.

  • How much time will I need to dedicate to this? What if I fall behind?

    The courses are designed to be easily incorporated into life for those who have work, school, or family that takes up most of their time. Lessons are not live, so you do not need to coordinate any scheduling. You can expect to dedicate one to two hours per week to reading and videos, depending on how much time you need to process and absorb material. There's no homework or tests, and if you fall behind, that's okay! Catch up when you can. You have access to the course material for 1-3 years, depending on which course you're in.

  • Can I enroll if I'm outside the US?

    Most of the plants we learn are native to Eurasia, and invasive to North America. Since Europe colonized many parts of the world, you may be familiar with these plants as well, especially if you live in a temperate region. If you are in the southern hemisphere or tropical region, you will likely not be familiar with the plants we discuss. Our seasonal courses will also likely not align with your growing times. Due to shipping constraints having to do with customs and package weights, unfortunately, I cannot send Medicine Maker Shipments outside of the continental US

  • Is there any homework or tests?


  • Which growing zones will the course apply to?

    A good portion of the perennials we will discuss will be hardy in USDA zones 3-10. Some are only hardy in zones 6-10, and a couple hardy to zones 9-11 that can be grown as annuals. If you're not sure what a growing zone is or what any of this means, that's okay! We'll be covering it in the course. The way we will be profiling the plants will be laid out mostly as they appear throughout the seasons in the northern hemisphere. ie: we'll be meeting the plants that pop up in the northern hemisphere's Summer during the northern hemisphere's Summer. So while those in the southen hemisphere will likely miss out on the aspect of walking outside and harvesting the plant they just learned about (if it's something that grows well in their growing zone), there's nothing wrong with learning about plants out of season! So long as you want to learn about plants that are mostly native to the US and Eurasia. On top of that, a large portion of the information you'll learn will be foundational (meaning how and why plants work, how to extract and make medicine with them, etc) so the seasonal aspect of the plant profiles can be worked around.

  • What if I'm unable to or don't want to grow the plants myself?

    There is still so so so much to learn about herbalism other than how to grow them! We cover herbal actions, research and traditions behind the plants, medicine making, seasonal energy shifts, and more. You can always source your herbs through my webstore Spirit Haus Botanicals or through my recommended suppliers!

  • What is the cancellation/refund policy?

    I offer a 30 day money back guarantee, no strings attached! That will gives you time to go over the materials and see if the program is going to be a good fit for you. No refunds can be given 30 days after the date of your enrollment. If for any reason you’re unable to continue with your payments after the 30-day window, you can pause your payments and program access. When you’re ready to resume your payments, just let us know via email at [email protected] and we will get you back into the program.

All Rootcraft students get a 20% off lifetime discount at Spirit Haus Botanicals!