Are essential oils really all they're hyped up to be? Are they actually safe just because they're natural?

Join this free series to learn why I don't really encourage their use...

PLUS I'll show you alternatives you can make yourself that are 1) safer, 2) more affordable, and 3) more environmentally friendly.

The Essential Oil Craze

What's so bad about using them??

When I began my formal herbal education back in the early 2000's, this happened to be right around the time the EO craze really started picking up. Mommy blogs were just starting to take off, and this paved the way for affiliate marketing...

I think this new ability for companies to reach consumers through sources they trust, combined with the exploitative nature of multi-level marketing created the perfect storm for dangerous misinformation to begin spreading rapidly across the internet. 

I was seeing dangerous recommendations being made by folks whose only herbal "training" consisted of reading a brochure from the company manufacturing the product they were selling...

I knew something bad was going to happen, but nobody wanted to hear it. They just wanted things to smell good! It wasn't until recently that folks started hearing herbalists like me...

And y'all are asking~ 
What can I use instead?
How can I still make things smell good?
Can I still use a diffuser?

And so many other questions!

What you'll learn:

  • Lesson 1: Why I don't rely on essential oils

    I'll talk about what exactly essential oils are, how they're made, their safety, their environmental implications, & why I think there are better alternatives.

  • Lesson 2: Replace This with That

    I'll discuss where we can replace essential oils in our lives with herbs. For pretty much ALL of the ways bloggers have shown you to substitute "natural" essential oils for "toxic" chemicals, there's a safer and more holistic way to switch them back out for the herbs themselves.

  • Lesson 3: How to make your own EO replacements

    I'll show you how to make those alternatives in safe, affordable, and environmentally friendly ways

Meet the Instructor - Jovie Hawthorn Browne

I created Rootcraft for those who feel they don't "fit in" with the herbal crowd.

Unlike many herbal teachers you can find, I didn’t grow up living off the land...

I’d love to say I did, but I grew up in the impoverished Mojave desert in military housing.

Thanks to colonization, I've never had access to elders who could teach me the healing traditions of my ancestors...

But I did have books and professors to teach me how cellular biology and phytochemistry worked as I earned my bachelor's degree in Biology and post-grad diploma in herbalism.

I don't preach the doctrine that "natural is the only way" or "everything is toxic and after you".

I used to. And I was... the worst. Through recovering from eating and anxiety disorders and examining privilege and internalized classism, I now encourage & teach leaning on whichever tools you have access to in order to get through this capitalistic, patriarchal hellscape we live in

I didn’t get to know plants through foraging and wildcrafting them.

I got to know them through cultivating and tending to them in several gardens for over a decade. 

I may not fit in with the herbal crowd. But the plants don't mind.

They allow me to continue learning and experimenting. My path has not been traditional. And that’s okay. Your path doesn't have to look like anyone else's path either. 

I’m just here to share what I’ve learned so far with all of you, in a way that I’m hoping will feel safe, non-judgmental, and balanced.

This free series is currently closed

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