Are you longing to deepen your herbal knowledge beyond the basics...

But the all-or-nothing approaches in the wellness world have you hesitant to take the next step?

On one end:
We don't want to go too far down the "woo" path and unintentionally invest in fear-mongering and pseudoscience...

On the other end:
We don't want to treat plants like they're pharmaceuticals by stripping them of the traditions they come from...

After realizing that I had been taught both ways, I've spent over a decade deconstructing and reframing my 6-year formal education so that I can share the most valuable parts with you...

Imagine being able to...

  • Stock Your Apothecary Cabinet Year-Round: 
    Learn to make basic and advanced infusions, tinctures, salves, and more to have on-hand before you need them.

  • Know Which Herbs to Use and When:
    Understand the seasonal rhythms of plants and how to work with them for common ailments.

  • Grow, Harvest, & Work With Herbs Confidently:
    Cultivate your own medicinal garden, no matter your space.

  • Blend Tradition with Science: 
    Learn how herbs work in the body, based on both time-tested practices and scientific research—without falling into rigid thinking.

All in just one hour per week...

Learn everything I wish I had when I first started out... in the Rootcraft Seasonal Herbalism Intensive

I'm sharing all of the viable information from my 6-year formal education, plus everything I've had to unlearn & relearn in the decade since. Such as:

  • How to avoid pseudoscience

    & white-washing of cultures by balancing scientific evidence with time-tested cultural traditions

  • Safety & Contraindications

    Who should not work with a given herb based on current medications and existing medical conditions

  • Nurturing local ecosystems

    By working with native and invasive species differently

  • Sourcing Herbs

    How to grow them yourself or purchase them from a trusted supplier. Because not everyone is able to forage

  • Seasonality

    How to harness seasonal ebbs and flows in energy to stay ahead of common struggles & ailments.

  • The best way to work with each plant part

    Whether fresh or dry, tincture or topical, root or flower. It all depends on the plant's makeup!

"Absolutely what I was looking for...

I have spent years looking for a herbal teacher that walked that line between science and old knowledge. Who didn't dismiss life-saving medicine bc of evil big pharma while understanding the importance of medicinal plants. Finally found it :)" 

-Savannah R.

Featuring Laser-Focused Lesson Topics

This training is entirely online, and you'll receive intentionally planned content each month that matches up with the seasonal themes.

  • Cultivation

    Planting, tending, and harvesting your own medicinal plants, no matter how much space you have.

  • Plant Profiles

    Build your own materia medica with over 60 detailed plant profiles

  • Medicine Making

    You'll learn how to make your own medicinal teas, tinctures, syrups, oils, salves, and double extractions.

  • Herbal Actions

    Learn the science behind how and why plants do what they do, as well as the body systems they affect.

  • Seasonal Traditions

    Learn how our ancestors connected with nature's changes, as well as how to nurture that connection within yourself. (Celtic leaning while leaving space for your own heritage)

  • Varied content for all learning styles

    You'll have access to slideshow presentations, videos with subtitles, and written lessons that you can download and easily refer back to.

“Jovie is an amazingly inclusive human. 

I appreciate her word choices when referring to who these plants were cultivated by. She always takes special care to acknowledge those who have come before us. ” 

-Judith S.

Course curriculum

Click each tab to view lessons for that month

    1. Welcome to Rootcraft!


    3. How To Get the Most Out of This Course

    4. Rootcraft Supply List

    5. Health Privilege

    6. Introduction to Medicinal Herb Gardening

    7. Cultivation: Farming Fundamentals

    8. Cultivation: Ethical harvesting

    9. Cultivation: Plant families

    10. Introduction to Herbal Actions

    11. Herbal Actions: an Overview

    12. Phytochemistry: Active Constituents

    13. Phytochemistry: Solubility

    14. Video: Solubility Experiment

    15. Herbal Actions: Energetics

    16. Herbal Safety

    17. Medicine Making Introduction

    18. Medicine Making: Water Extractions- Teas, Infusions, Decoctions, Syrups

    19. Medicine Making: Water Extraction Tools

    20. Medicine Making: Oil Extractions

    21. Medicine Making: Balms & Salves

    22. Medicine Making: Alcohol Extracts

    23. Medicine Making: Fresh Folk Method Tincture

    24. Medicine Making: Dry Ratio Method Tincture

    25. Medicine Making: Tincture Straining

    26. Medicine Making: Herbal Formulations

    27. Medicine Making: Dosage

    28. Section Review Quiz

    1. March Intro: Spring Equinox

    2. Cultivation: DIY Potting Soil Mix

    3. Cultivation: Seed Starting Tips & Tricks

    4. Cultivation: Up-potting Seedlings

    5. Herbal Actions: Alteratives

    6. Profile: Dandelion

    7. Dandelion Recipes

    8. Meet Chickweed: She has Bones

    9. Profile: Chickweed

    10. Profile: Stinging Nettles

    11. Medicine Making: Nettle Infusions

    12. Stinging Nettle Recipes

    13. Video: Leave it to Cleavers

    14. Profile: Cleavers

    15. Cleavers Recipes

    16. Profile: Violet

    17. Profile: Burdock

    18. Medicine Making: Burdock Root Decoction

    19. Section Review Quiz

    1. April Intro: Waxing Phase

    2. Cultivation: Hardening off Seedlings

    3. Cultivation: Harvesting Tips

    4. Video: How to Harvest the Mint Family

    5. Medicine Making: Drying & Storing

    6. Video: Drying & Storage Tips

    7. Herbal Actions: Demulcents

    8. Video: Meet Plaintain

    9. Profile: Plantain

    10. Plantain Recipes

    11. Profile: Marshmallow

    12. Video: Meet Comfrey

    13. Profile: Comfrey

    14. Profile: Corn Silk

    15. Profile: Mullein

    16. Mullein Recipes

    17. Video: Mullein Through the Seasons

    18. Medicine Making: Poultices & Compresses

    19. Video: How to Make a Poultice

    20. Section Review Quiz

    1. May Intro: Bealtaine

    2. Cultivation: Plant Reproduction

    3. Video: How Mint Spreads

    4. Video: Plant Propagation

    5. Herbal Actions: Emmenagogues

    6. Profile: Raspberry Leaf

    7. Profile: Vitex

    8. Profile: Red Clover

    9. Video: Meet Red Clover

    10. Profile: Motherwort

    11. Video: Meet Motherwort

    12. Profile: Feverfew

    13. Profile: Black Cohosh

    14. Profile: Mugwort

    15. Medicine Making: Flower Essences

    16. Spring Recipes

    1. June Intro: Summer Solstice

    2. Herbal Actions: Nervines

    3. Profile: Skullcap

    4. Profile: Passionflower

    5. Video: Meet Lemon Balm

    6. Profile: Lemon Balm

    7. Profile: Valerian

    8. Profile: Hops

    9. Profile: Klamath Weed aka St. John's Wort

    10. Profile: Tulsi aka Holy Basil

    11. Profile: Crampbark

    12. Video: Meet Milky Oats

    13. Profile: Milky Oats

    14. Profile: Chamomile

    15. Profile: Lavender

    16. Medicine Making: Glycerine Extractions

    17. Medicine Making: How to Make a Glycerite

    1. Course Survey

    2. July Intro: Full Lunar Phase

    3. Cultivation: Lunar Gardening

    4. Herbal Actions: Diaphoretics

    5. Profile: Cayenne

    6. Profile: Sage

    7. Profile: Elder

    8. Black, Blue, & Red Elder Safety

    9. Elderflower & Elderberry Recipes

    10. Profile: Hyssop

    11. Profile: Mint

    12. Profile: Horseradish

    13. Video: One Way to Make Herbal Syrups

    14. Medicine Making: Hydrosols

    15. Video: How to Make a Rosemary Hydrosol

About this course

  • 175 lessons
  • 14.5 hours of video content

Meet the Instructor - Jovie Hawthorn Browne

I created Rootcraft for those who feel they don't "fit in" with the herbal crowd.

Unlike many herbal teachers you can find, I didn’t grow up living off the land...

I’d love to say I did, but I grew up in the impoverished Mojave desert in military housing.

Thanks to colonization, I've never had access to elders who could teach me the healing traditions of my ancestors...

But I did have books and professors to teach me how cellular biology and phytochemistry worked as I earned my bachelor's degree in Biology and post-grad diploma in herbalism.

I don't preach the doctrine that "natural is the only way" or "everything is toxic and after you".

I used to. And I was... the worst. Through recovering from eating and anxiety disorders and examining privilege and internalized classism, I now encourage & teach leaning on whichever tools you have access to in order to get through this capitalistic, patriarchal hellscape we live in

I didn’t get to know plants through foraging and wildcrafting them.

I got to know them through cultivating and tending to them in several gardens for over a decade. 

I may not fit in with the herbal crowd. But the plants don't mind.

They allow me to continue learning and experimenting. My path has not been traditional. And that’s okay. Your path doesn't have to look like anyone else's path either. 

I’m just here to share what I’ve learned so far with all of you, in a way that I’m hoping will feel safe, non-judgmental, and balanced.

"Incredibly informative...

This course has blown me away with the amount of information provided, how it is made easily accessible without a degree needed to understand it, the explanations of how/why things work, and even medication interactions!"

-Judith S.

Inside the Intensive You're Getting

  • Monthly lessons tailored to each season’s unique needs— from detoxification support in Spring to immune support in Winter.

  • 3 years of access to over 160 lessons and 14.5 hours of video content.

  • Downloadable guides, videos with subtitles, and hands-on exercises that adapt to your learning style.

More Happy Rootcraft Students:

The Base Program:

These core lessons are worked in throughout the program when we need them most...

  • Module 1 - The Foundation

    The lessons from Herbal Foundations are named such for a reason— they're the foundation we build upon!

  • Modules 2&3 - Get your hands dirty

    Medicine Making & Garden Cultivation - If you're a hands-on learner: these are the lessons where you'll *literally* dig into the plants and the process - ending up with actual herbal products *you* made yourself

  • Module 4 - Solidify your confidence!

    Herbal Actions may not sound very sexy, but *this* is where your confidence as an herbalist will find you! I'm not here to catch a fish for you so you'll eat for a day- Herbal Actions will teach you to fish so you can nourish yourself... for life!

Module 1: Herbalism Basics

Answers the questions:

  • How much of an herb do I take? and for how long?

  • How do I harvest & store herbs from my garden to make them last?

  • What are chemical constituents and do they matter?​

  • What are the medication interactions and other contraindications I need to keep in mind for each herb?

  • What are my options for working with herbs professionally?

Module 2: Medicine Making Lessons

You'll make your own:

  • Teas, infusions, decoctions, and other quick water-based extractions

  • Tinctures and other potent alcohol-based extractions

  • Infused oils and salves for skin healing

  • Other extractions: glycerites, syrups, cordials, and herbal vinegars

  • Proper dosage of herbal medicines

Module 3: Cultivation Lessons

You'll be able to confidently:

  • Tend & harvest different plant parts without damaging the plant -- no matter how much space you have

  • Start seeds, propagate cuttings, and transplant seedlings that can't be found as starts in the garden center

  • Compost, mulch, and amend soil to maintain its health and feed your plants without fertilizers

  • Know what time of year a given plant is available and worked with to prevent common ailments

  • Sync your own self care practices with Solstices, Equinoxes, and lunar phases so that you can anticipate challenges and avoid burn out

Module 4: Herbal Actions Lessons

Not just recipes...deep comprehension so that you can decide when, why, and how to work with a given plant.

  • Learn how herbs act in the body, based on both traditional wisdom & the scientific research that backs it up (plus- I'll tell you if it doesn't)

  • Organ affinities, primary actions, and secondary actions of plants so you can match the best one case by case

  • Be able to match an herb with an individual's needs rather than a disease's symptoms

  • Active constituents and plant chemical solubilities so you can make the most effective preparations

  • Herbal energetics so you can predict how an herb will feel in the body

My first year of herbal school cost me over $6,000

And some of that went toward pseudoscience I spent *years* unlearning...

On top of that, most herbal programs don’t qualify for student loans- so, yes, I saved my tips waiting tables to pay $500+ per month just for that first year.

You can avoid my missteps entirely and still learn the most valuable bits anyway

for a fraction of what I paid...

But First, Let's Break Down the Extras:

I want you to be able to refer back to this knowledge for the rest of your life...

You keep 120+ Herbal Recipes...

To download, print, & pass down to future generations as part of your own family tradition

200+ Pages of Plant Profile Downloads...

Save them to your laptop for a searchable materia medica database or print them to put in a binder

And over 100 pages of other crucially in-depth PDFs

Search, Print, & Refer back to Herbal Actions, Cultivation, Medicine Making, & Seasonal Rituals any time - for the rest of your life!

Total Value of PDF's and downloads: $297

But it doesn't stop there...

You're also receiving:

Bonus Material Valued at: $1,332

All of these lessons are sprinkled throughout this 10-month program, within the seasons they're most useful:

  • Community Immunity Course Content

    $444 value

    So much more than echinacea and elderberry! A deep-dive into all things immune support so that you can know HOW, WHY, and WHEN to choose different herbs that have different ways of helping the body do its job efficiently.

  • Herbal Skincare Course Content

    $333 value

    Nourish and heal skin by learning how, why, and when to work with plants both topically *as well as* internally to address the root cause of issues.

  • Courses not available separately

    $555 value

    Anxiety, Stress, & Herbs - Herbal Menstrual Support - Herbal "Detoxification" - Rest & Digest Herbs - So that you're ready for whatever the year throws your way

Plus! All Rootcraft students receive a 20% off lifetime discount at the Rootcraft Botanicals online apothecary

Full Program Breakdown:

Base Program:

Modules 1-4: Herbalism Basics - Medicine Making - Garden Cultivation - Herbal Actions ($1,221 value)

Download Pack:

120+ Recipes, 200+ pages of plant profiles, 100+ pages of lessons ($297 value)

Focus Program Content:

Community Immunity - Herbal Skincare - Anxiety, Stress, & Herbs - Herbal Menstrual Support - Herbal "Detoxification" - Rest & Digest Herbs ($1,332 value)

Total Value: $2,850 

But here at RootCraft, we believe in making herbalism accessible in fair exchange for the decade-plus of time and energy that has gone into compiling this information to share... So it's being offered at a fraction of that:

Regularly Priced at $895

Enroll Today for just $666

or 10 monthly payments of $67

The Intensive Runs Feb 1st-Nov 30th 2025

Reserve your spot now to lock-in this price

Lessons are released monthly starting in February to harmonize with the changes in nature around us...

-But you have access to the program for 3 full years-

So you don't need to be ready to start today...
You just need to be ready to save $$ today.

10 months are going to pass anyway

...You could either be ten more months down the path you’re on now, or ten months down this exciting new herbal path!

Where do you see yourself?


  • Is this a certification course?

    You DO get a certificate when you complete the course, but keep in mind: since there is no state or national governing body over herbalism in the US, *any* certificate from *any* course you take simply states that you completed the course. No certification course can qualify you for any sort of licensing (since herbal licensing in the US doesn't exist).

  • How long do I have to complete the program?

    You'll have access to the Seasonal Herbal Intensive for 3 years, and the individual programs for 1 full year. The courses are designed to be easily incorporated into life for those who have work, school, or family that takes up most of their time. Lessons are not live, so you do not need to coordinate any scheduling. You can expect to dedicate one to two hours per week to reading and videos, depending on how much time you need to process and absorb material. If you fall behind, that's okay! Catch up when you can.

  • Can I enroll if I'm outside the US?

    Most of the plants we learn are native to Eurasia, and invasive to North America. Since Europe colonized many parts of the world, you may be familiar with these plants as well, especially if you live in a temperate region. If you are in the southern hemisphere or tropical region, you will likely not be familiar with the plants we discuss. Our seasonal courses will also likely not align with your growing times.

  • Will we have a way to ask questions or interact with other students?

    Yes! Questions that may help the entire class can be asked in the discussion section of each lesson. You can interact with fellow students in the private Rootcraft Student Community. This is a great place to bounce ideas, get inspiration, find herbalists in your area, or plan materials sharing! For more individual matters, students are able to reach the instructor directly via email at Response time is typically within 24 hours.

  • Do I have to plan for scheduling live lessons, homework, or tests?

    Nope! All of the lessons are pre-recorded and released at the beginning of each month. This information and these skills are for you to enrich your life- not to prove anything to anyone else.

  • Which growing zones will the course apply to?

    A good portion of the perennials we will discuss will be hardy in USDA zones 3-10. Some are only hardy in zones 6-10, and a couple hardy to zones 9-11 that can be grown as annuals. If you're not sure what a growing zone is or what any of this means, that's okay! We'll be covering it in the course.

  • What if I've already purchased a course covered by the intensive?

    I am happy to issue you a voucher for the purchase price of one individual course so that you can take that amount off of your intensive enrollment! In other words, if you already took Modules 2, 3, 4, Herbalism Basics, Community Immunity, or Herbal Skincare- it will be fully refunded if you decide to enroll in the full intensive later. Simply email me at with your name and email address you used to enroll then I will send you a code to enroll in the intensive.

  • What if I'm unable to or don't want to grow the plants myself?

    There is still so so so much to learn about herbalism other than how to grow them! We cover herbal actions, research and traditions behind the plants, medicine making, seasonal energy shifts, and more. You can always source your herbs through my webstore Spirit Haus Botanicals or through my recommended suppliers!

  • What is the cancellation/refund policy?

    I offer a 30 day money back guarantee, no strings attached! That will gives you time to go over the materials and see if the program is going to be a good fit for you. No refunds can be given 30 days after the date of your enrollment. If for any reason you’re unable to continue with your payments after the 30-day window, you can pause your payments and program access. When you’re ready to resume your payments, just let us know via email at and we will get you back into the program.

This training might *not* be the best fit for you if

  • You’re looking for in-depth wildcrafting or foraging training— we’re going to focus on growing the plants ourselves.

  • You’re only looking for recipes— Recipe books are everywhere. You're going to be learning SO MUCH MORE than how to replicate a recipe. You'll also be able to to formulate whatever you need!

  • You’re looking for clinical herbalist training— This is a deep-dive into the beginner and intermediate levels and doesn't go into how to do a clinical assessment

  • You learn best from someone who is loud, bubbly, and extroverted— if I wanted to fake it I would go back to working in the service industry!

But it might be an amazing fit for you if:

  • You’re new to herbalism and want more than just the surface level basics

  • Your herbal knowledge is intermediate but you want a more balanced perspective (herbal learning is never "done"!)

  • You like to learn the science, but aren’t trying to get your PhD in phytochemistry in order to read it

  • You appreciate a balance between herbalism and conventional medicine

  • You like some woo-woo, but take it with a grain of salt

  • You learn best from someone who is calm, serious, and introverted

  • You’re easily overstimulated by sounds and visuals

Here’s the thing…

You’re not just signing up for an herbal course—you’re stepping into a 10-month journey that will transform the way you connect with plants, the seasons, and yourself. 

This is a rare opportunity to gain a balanced understanding of herbalism, blending ancient traditions with modern science, all at your own pace.

And since the 2025 Rootcraft Herbal Intensive only begins once per year, and spots are limited to ensure each student gets the full experience, now’s the time to join us!

Herbalism lies where nature, tradition, & science meet